MiraclePlus Alumni Community

May 2024

Alumni Represent

Established in 2019, Miracle Plus has funded and accelerated more than 340 start-ups, covering high-potential technology fields such as deep technology, soft technology, and biotechnology

We have more than 1000 alumni coming from 26 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, America, and Africa. Most of them had only an initial idea when they joined the program

In addition to the activities of the program, our community alumni often organize high-value activities to help each other make progress

In the community, our alumni usually do things as follows:

Introduce upstream and downstream resources of the industry or recommend reliable investment firms to each other

Recommend their companies' products to each other, usually with great discounts

Exchange technological frontiers and business insights on the news.miracle.com website, a communication platform for internal founders

Organize activities such as founder salons, mountaineering, etc
